
Latest Import Procedures for Korean Cosmetics

Korean imported cosmetics are highly trusted and chosen by Vietnamese consumers. This is a business direction worth paying attention to. Below is an overview of the import procedures for Korean cosmetics to Vietnam, including import duties, procedures, and the process of importing Korean cosmetics into Vietnam. 

In addition, there is detailed information on the customs procedure documentation when importing cosmetics from Korea, as well as the form and timeline for transporting cosmetics from Korea to Vietnam. We hope that SSR Logistics can provide you with the most comprehensive overview of the import procedures for Korean cosmetics.

HS Code and Import Tax for Korean Cosmetics 

HS Code for Korean Cosmetics Import 

HS Code (Harmonized System Code) is a fundamental international code system proposed and defined by the World Customs Organization (WCO). The HS Code standardizes the international description and encoding of goods, facilitating the classification of over 98% of all types of goods globally. HS Code stands for the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. Detailed information about the HS Code helps businesses gain a better understanding of regulations and fees related to imported goods, playing a crucial role in managing and executing the import process accurately and efficiently. 

Representative Korean-imported cosmetics, such as body wash, shampoo, facial cleanser, lip balm, lipstick, and facial masks fall under Chapter 33 and Chapter 34 of this HS Code system. 

  • Group 3303: Perfumes and toilet waters 
  • Group 3304: Cosmetics or makeup preparations and skin care products (excluding pharmaceuticals), including sunscreens or sunblocks; products for nail care 
  • Group 3305: Hair care products 
  • Group 3306: Products for oral or dental hygiene, including toothpaste; and dental floss, packaged for retail sale 
  • Group 3307: Pre-shave, in-shave, or after-shave preparations, deodorants, products for bathing, depilatories, and other cosmetic or hygiene products, not elsewhere specified or included; pre-shave, in-shave, or after-shave products, whether or not mixed or scented, or possessing antiseptic properties 
  • Group 3401: Soap; organic surface-active products used as soap, in bars, cakes, or molded pieces, whether or not containing soap; organic surface-active products used for skin cleansing, in liquid or cream form, and packaged for retail sale, whether or not containing soap; paper, wadding, felt, and nonwovens, impregnated, coated, or covered with soap or detergent. 

1. Mã HS code và thuế nhập khẩu mỹ phẩm Hàn Quốc 1.1 Mã HS code nhập khẩu mỹ phẩm Hàn Quốc Mã HS (HS code) là hệ thống mã số quốc tế cơ bản được đề xuất và định nghĩa bởi Tổ chức Hải quan Thế giới (WCO). HS Code chuẩn hóa quốc tế về mô tả và mã hóa hàng hóa, giúp phân loại hơn 98% các loại hàng hóa trên phạm vi toàn cầu. HS Code là viết tắt của Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS). Thông tin chi tiết về Mã HS giúp doanh nghiệp hiểu rõ hơn về quy định và thuế phí liên quan đối với hàng hóa nhập khẩu, là yếu tố quan trọng để quản lý và thực hiện quá trình nhập khẩu một cách chính xác và hiệu quả. Mỹ phẩm được nhập khẩu từ Hàn Quốc tiêu biểu như sữa tắm, dầu gội đầu, sữa rửa mặt, son dưỡng, son môi, mặt nạ dưỡng da Chương 33 và Chương 34 của hệ thống HS Code này. Nhóm 3303: Nước hoa và nước thơm Nhóm 3304: Mỹ phẩm hoặc các chế phẩm để trang điểm và các chế phẩm dưỡng da (trừ dược phẩm), kể cả các chế phẩm chống nắng hoặc bắt nắng; các chế phẩm dùng cho móng tay hoặc móng chân Nhóm 3305: Chế phẩm dùng cho tóc Nhóm 3306: Chế phẩm dùng cho vệ sinh răng hoặc miệng, kể cả bột và bột nhão làm chặt chân răng; chỉ tơ nha khoa làm sạch kẽ răng (dental floss), đã đóng gói để bán lẻ Nhóm 3307: Các chế phẩm dùng trước, trong hoặc sau khi cạo, các chất khử mùi cơ thể, các chế phẩm dùng để tắm, chế phẩm làm rụng lông và các chế phẩm nước hoa, mỹ phẩm hoặc vệ sinh khác, chưa được chi tiết hoặc ghi ở nơi khác; các chất khử mùi phòng đã được pha chế, có hoặc không có mùi thơm hoặc có đặc tính khử trùng Nhóm 3401: Xà phòng; các sản phẩm và các chế phẩm hữu cơ hoạt động bề mặt dùng như xà phòng, ở dạng thanh, bánh, được nén thành miếng hoặc hình dạng nhất định, có hoặc không chứa xà phòng; các sản phẩm và các chế phẩm hữu cơ hoạt động bề mặt dùng để làm sạch da, ở dạng lỏng hoặc ở dạng kem và đã được đóng gói để bán lẻ, có hoặc không chứa xà phòng; giấy, mền xơ, nỉ và sản phẩm không dệt, đã thấm tẩm, tráng hoặc phủ xà phòng hoặc chất tẩy Mã HS Code đối với mỹ phẩm nhập khẩu Hàn Quốc - Chương 3 Mã HS Code đối với mỹ phẩm nhập khẩu Hàn Quốc - Chương 4 1.2 Hậu quả khi nhập sai mã HS Nếu nhập sai mã HS Code, có thể gặp các vấn đề như: Thủ tục hải quan bị trì hoãn, vì cần thời gian để kiểm tra và xác minh thông tin chính xác về loại hàng hóa. Chịu phạt do khai sai mã HS theo nghị định 128/2020/NĐ-CP. Giao hàng chậm trễ. Trong trường hợp phát sinh thuế nhập khẩu, có thể đối mặt với mức phạt ít nhất là 2.000.000 đ và cao nhất là gấp 3 lần số thuế. 1.3 Thuế nhập khẩu mỹ phẩm Hàn Quốc Các loại thuế nhập khẩu mỹ phẩm từ Hàn Quốc vào Việt Nam cần phải nộp dưới đây: Thuế giá trị gia tăng (VAT) Thuế nhập khẩu thông thường Thuế nhập khẩu ưu đãi Thuế nhập khẩu ưu đãi đặc biệt Mức thuế suất nhập khẩu mỹ phẩm Hàn Quốc được xác định dựa trên mã HS Code của loại hàng hóa. Công thức tính thuế nhập khẩu như sau: Thuế nhập khẩu = Giá trị hàng x thuế suất nhập khẩu Trong đó: Giá trị hàng hay trị giá hải quan: là giá trị lô hàng khi bạn khai báo làm thủ tục hải quan. Thuế suất nhập khẩu: tính bằng phần trăm (%) dựa trên Biểu thuế xuất nhập khẩu mới nhất (2024) của Bộ tài chính ban hành Thuế giá trị gia tăng (VAT) Thuế giá trị gia tăng (GTGT) nhập khẩu được xác định theo công thức: Thuế GTGT nhập khẩu (VAT) = (Giá trị lô hàng + thuế nhập khẩu) *10% Dựa theo Biểu thuế Xuất nhập khẩu, thuế nhập khẩu đối với mỹ phẩm Hàn Quốc như sau: Thuế nhập khẩu ưu đãi: Từ 6% - 27% Thuế GTGT nhập khẩu: 5% - 10%
HS Code for the import of Korean cosmetics – Chapter 3 

HS Code for the import of Korean cosmetics – Chapter 4 

Consequences of Incorrect HS Code Declaration 

Declaring an incorrect HS Code can lead to the following problems: 

  • Customs clearance delays due to the time required to verify the correct commodity information. 
  • Penalties for incorrect HS Code declaration under Decree 128/2020/ND-CP. 
  • Delivery delays. 
  • If import tax is applicable, the importer may face a fine of at least VND 2,000,000 and up to three times the amount of tax. 

Import Tax for Korean Cosmetics 

The following import taxes must be paid for Korean cosmetics imported into Vietnam: 

  • Value-added tax (VAT) 
  • Normal import tax 
  • Preferential import tax 
  • Special preferential import tax 

The import tax for Korean cosmetics is determined based on the HS code of the product. The import tax calculation formula is as follows: 

Import tax = Value of goods x Import tax rate 


  • Value of goods or customs value: is the value of the shipment when you declare customs clearance. 
  • Import tax rate: is calculated as a percentage (%) based on the latest Import and Export Tariff Schedule (2024) issued by the Ministry of Finance. 

Value-added tax (VAT) 

Import value-added tax (VAT) is determined by the following formula: 

Import VAT = (Value of shipment + Import tax) * 10% 

Based on the Import and Export Tariff Schedule, the import tax for Korean cosmetics is as follows: 

  • Preferential import tax: From 6% to 27% 
  • Import VAT: 5% to 10% 

Documentation Required for Importing Korean Cosmetics 

The following documents are required to import Korean cosmetics: 

  • Customs declaration form 
  • Product Self-declaration/Product Disclosure (valid) 
  • Commercial contract 
  • Detailed goods packing list 
  • Commercial invoice 
  • Certificate of origin (C/O) 
  • Bill of lading 
  • Import license 
  • Business registration certificate 
  • Other relevant documents (if any) 

After completing procedures such as declaration, transportation, and tax payment, businesses need to undergo customs clearance procedures to bring cosmetic goods into Vietnam. This involves electronic declaration and customs clearance procedures at the importing port. 

Note: Cosmetics fall under the category of high-risk items for taxes; therefore, they are often subject to thorough customs inspection regarding their declared value. Businesses may need to consult post-clearance pricing to ensure accurate taxation. 

Procedures for Importing Korean Cosmetics 

Procedures for Applying for an Import License for Korean Cosmetics 

When engaging in the importation of Korean cosmetics, the import procedure is a crucial and integral part of the business process. In Vietnam, while carrying out the import procedure for cosmetics, businesses must adhere to legal regulations. 

As per the provisions of Circular 06/2011/TT-BYT, to import cosmetics into Vietnam, businesses need to complete the cosmetic announcement procedure with Drug Administration of Vietnam (DAV) under the Ministry of Health. The import permit application process consists of the following four steps: 

Step 1: Document Preparation 

  • Business registration certificate of the importing enterprise, with the cosmetic business sector (notarized copy) 
  • Circulation announcement sheet for cosmetics (original, 2 copies per product) 
  • Copy of the enterprise’s Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) (notarized copy) 
  • Power of attorney (notarized copy) 
  • Formula ingredients confirmation document for cosmetics (soft copy, 1 copy per product) 
  • Detailed product information (soft copy, 1 copy per product) 

Step 2: Online Submission of Documents 

Register an account on the National Single Window portal at 

Submit the cosmetics announcement documents online 

Step 3: Receive Document Acceptance Results 

Within 1 day of receiving the documents, the Drug Administration will acknowledge the submission and provide a receipt if the documents meet the requirements. If the documents are incomplete, the administration will electronically notify the reasons and request additional information within 5 days. 

If the business fails to submit the required additional documents within 3 months of receiving the notice, the cosmetics announcement registration will become invalid. 

Step 4: Receive the Cosmetic Announcement Receipt Number 

Within 3 days of the valid announcement of the documents and full payment by the business, the Drug Administration will issue the receipt number for the cosmetic announcement. 

Note: Businesses must strictly adhere to the document requirements and procedures to ensure timely acceptance and processing of the cosmetic announcement registration. 

Labeling for Imported Korean Cosmetics 

Requirements for Packaging and Labels for Imported Cosmetics 

Manufacturers and importers of cosmetics must use safe packaging and labels to prevent poisoning or misuse of products, especially concerning children. The information on labels varies depending on the type of cosmetics, quantity and intended use. 

General requirements

  • Product name 
  • Manufacturer/importer and contact information 
  • Ingredients 
  • Usage instructions 
  • Warnings and contraindications 
  • Batch number 
  • Expiry date 

Specific requirements based on quantity

  • Cosmetics weighing 10g or less: Product name, place of manufacture, retail price, batch number, and expiration date. 
  • Cosmetics weighing from 11g to 50g: Product name, manufacturer’s name and address, phone number, maximum limited ingredients, volume content, barcode, country of production, usage notes, batch number, expiration date, effectiveness, instructions, and the term “function” in Korean. 
  • Cosmetics weighing over 50g: Product name, manufacturer’s name and address, phone number, maximum limited ingredients, volume content, barcode, country of production, usage notes, batch number, expiration date, effectiveness, instructions, the term “function” in Korean, and “full ingredient list.” 

Compliance with packaging and labeling requirements is crucial to ensure that imported cosmetics into Vietnam are safe and comply with legal regulations. 

Transportation Methods for Imported Korean Cosmetics  

Transportation Methods for Imported Korean Cosmetics and Pros and Cons 

After completing the relevant import procedures, businesses need to choose a suitable transportation method to bring cosmetic shipments from Korea to Vietnam. In terms of transportation, SSR Logistics will provide tailored solutions based on the specific needs and purposes of the business. There are two main modes of transportation from Korea to Vietnam: sea and air. Each transportation mode has its own advantages and disadvantages. 

  • Transporting imported cosmetics from Korea by sea: 
    • Pros: Lower cost, suitable for shipments ranging from 1 container (~30 tons) to multiple containers, ideal for non-urgent orders. 
    • Cons: Weather conditions can affect the extended shipping time, potentially reducing product quality. 
  • Transporting imported cosmetics from Korea by air: 
    • Pros: Fast shipping time, ideal for urgent orders, suitable for shipments ranging from 100kg to 1 ton. 
    • Cons: Higher costs compared to sea transportation. 

Transit Time for Imported Korean Cosmetics 

The transit time for imported cosmetics from Korea to Vietnam may vary depending on the chosen mode of transportation. Here are estimated transit times for both primary modes: sea and air. 

  • Transporting imported cosmetics from Korea by sea: 

The transit time by sea from Korea to Vietnam typically ranges from 5 to 10 days. This is a suitable option for businesses with non-urgent requirements looking to minimize transportation costs. 

  • Transporting imported cosmetics from Korea by air: 

Shipping cosmetics by air provides a quick transit time, usually taking only 1 to 2 days for the goods to reach their destination. This is a good choice for urgent orders or high-value shipments, although the transportation cost may be higher than sea transportation. 

Note that transit times can also be influenced by other factors such as weather conditions, port handling times, and customs procedures. Therefore, advising and selecting a suitable transportation method will depend on the specific priorities of the business, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in the imported cosmetics supply chain. 

Considerations for Importing Korean Cosmetics 

When importing Korean cosmetics, there are several important considerations to ensure compliance with legal regulations and guarantee product quality. Here are some points to pay attention to: 

  • Check Import Regulations: Before initiating the import process, check the regulations and laws related to cosmetic imports in both the exporting country (Korea) and the importing country. Make sure you understand the safety and quality requirements. 
  • Certification Compliance: Ensure that the Korean cosmetic products you import meet safety and quality standards as specified. Certifications such as ISO, FDA, or certifications from reputable inspection organizations may be crucial. 
  • Ingredient Inspection: Examine the ingredients of the product to ensure it does not contain prohibited or harmful substances according to the regulations of the importing country. 
  • Packaging and Labeling: Ensure that the products are properly packaged and have clear labels with complete information on ingredients, expiration dates, and other essential details. This helps ensure transparency and compliance with the regulations of the importing country. 
  • Customs Procedures and Import Taxes: Understand customs procedures and the types of import taxes applicable to cosmetics. This helps calculate costs and prepare for any additional expenses that may arise during the import process. 
  • Learn About the Korean Market: Acquire in-depth information about the local market, cosmetic trends, and any specific regulations that may apply. This helps tailor your products to meet the needs of the local customers. 
  • Collaborate with Reliable Partners: Choose reliable partners such as suppliers and import agents to ensure that you are working with professionals who have experience and a good reputation.

Korean Cosmetics Importation Services 

SSR Logistics takes pride in being a leading service provider in Vietnam, specializing in comprehensive import customs services for Korean cosmetics. We assist businesses in importing goods to Vietnam quickly, conveniently, and cost-effectively. 


Our services include: 

  • Free consultation on the procedures and import customs for Korean cosmetics. 
  • Evaluation and assessment of the business’s capacity profile. 
  • Price negotiation, and the signing of purchase contracts. 
  • Monitoring and handling customs procedures, including document verification, cargo inspection, and tax payment. 
  • Customs declaration of import shipment information on the electronic customs system. 
  • Declaration of cosmetics in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Health. 
  • Warehousing and storage services for goods. 
  • Transportation of goods by both sea and air routes. 

Through this article, SSR Logistics hopes that our valued customers now have a comprehensive overview of the import procedures for Korean cosmetics.  For more articles, please visit our Logistics Knowledge section.    

SSR looks forward to becoming your reliable logistics partner, providing optimal solutions for your importing and exporting business. Should you have any question regarding our services, please feel free to contact us for specific advice.   

With our experienced team, extensive network and flexible shipping & customs solutions, SSR Logistics is confident to deliver excellent services to our clients.  

Businesses that need customs and import-export consulting between Vietnam and Korea, please contact SSR Logistics via Hotline (+84) 911 988 484 or leave your information here for specific advice. 

With a modern warehouse system and experienced transportation staff, SSR Logistics provides a variety of additional services such as: customs clearance, warehouse leasing, domestic transportation, international transportation by sea and air, and international express delivery

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